
Comprehensive Eye Exams

We offer complete eye and vision examinations including wide-field and 3D retinal imaging. Routine eye exams assess visual functions, eyeglass prescriptions, and ocular health. A comprehensive eye examination evaluates not only your vision, but also assesses the eye structures outside and inside the eye, including blood vessels, muscles, and nerves, all of which may be affected by conditions that affect your general heath. Eye exams are recommended at least every two years for adults and annually for contact lens wearers.

Direct Billing to Insurance

We can direct bill or submit on your behalf for most insurance companies. We also work with AlbertaWorks, AISH, the Interim Federal Health Program, and the NIHB program.

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Contact Lens Fitting

We can assess fit, comfort, and vision for contact lens wearers. Daily disposable, biweekly, or monthly contact lenses are available and we work with you to determine what contact lens type works best for your lifestyle and eye health. For those new to contact lenses, we offer detailed one on one contact lens training sessions to ensure you leave feeling knowledgeable and comfortable with your new lenses.


Eye Exams for Children

In Alberta, annual comprehensive eye exams are covered by Alberta Health Care for children until they turn 19. Eye exams for children are recommended starting at 6 months of age and then annually afterward to ensure proper development of visual function and eye health. 80% of learning is visual so a vision problem or deficiency in visual skills such as eye tracking, focusing, and eye teaming may make learning challenging. Children may not always complain of vision issues as they assume what they are seeing is normal. 25% of children in Alberta begin grade one with an undiagnosed vision or eye health problem, which can also affect their ability to learn.

We also participate in Eye See … Eye Learn, which is a program for kindergarten-aged children. Through this, any kindergarten-aged child that requires eyeglasses following their comprehensive eye exam with the doctor will be provided with a free pair.


Eye Exams for Seniors

Eye exams are covered by Alberta Health Care for anybody aged 65 or older. Annual eye exams are recommended for seniors.

Urgent Eye Care

We assess and treat minor eye injuries and infections. Call us for symptoms such as flashes, floaters, redness, pain, double vision, or itchy eyes. These medically necessary visits are covered by Alberta Health Care. We can triage complex medical or surgical cases directly to the correct sub-specialist ophthalmologist in a timely and efficient way.

Surgical Co-Management

We offer pre and post operative assessments for refractive surgery, cataract surgery, and other ophthalmological procedures. Medical referrals to our ophthalmology colleagues for acute and chronic eye conditions are also available.